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This helps keep discussion in the comments on topic and relevant to the linked material. Post titles cannot contain questions, even if the title of the linked material is a question. Post titles cannot be questions and must describe the philosophical content of the posted material.Please direct all questions to /r/askphilosophy. r/philosophy is intended for philosophical material and discussion. At a minimum, this includes: stating the problem being addressed stating the thesis stating how the thesis contributes to the problem outlining some alternative answers to the same problem saying something about why the stated thesis is preferable to the alternatives anticipating some objections to the stated thesis and giving responses to them. Posts must not only have a philosophical subject matter, but must also present this subject matter in a developed manner. All posts must develop and defend a substantive philosophical thesis.

news about the profession or interviews with philosophers. Exceptions are made only for posts about philosophers with substantive content, e.g. Posts must be about philosophy proper, rather than only tangentially connected to philosophy. To learn more about what is and is not considered philosophy for the purposes of this subreddit, see our FAQ. r/philosophy Rules and Guidelines Hover or Tap Each Rule for Full Details Posting Rules